The reality I want to avoid…

My brother in law got a fabulous job across the country. Everything has fallen into place, every last detail, God clearly paved the way for all of this. In fact, when I first heard of the opportunity, I knew in my heart that he would get the job, and they would go. I had no idea the details would end up being so clear… or the blessings so abundant… but I knew. And tonight, suddenly, it seems very real. Five people that I love very dearly are moving a lot of states away (I refuse to even count how many states right now). And I couldn’t be happier for the blessing on their family, that God is so faithful in all things, and for this awesome job… and I couldn’t be sadder at the loss for all of us, for me!! Waahhhhh!!! Take me with you!

Don’t worry, I will continue to work on my brave front. I will not bursting into tears every time I even think about it (though it will happen sometimes). I know this is the right thing, that God has a plan. But “loss is loss and grief is grief” (to quote a favorite author)… and there’s no way around it, this is really tough. And it is coming up really fast.

2 thoughts on “The reality I want to avoid…

  1. Reen, I'll pray for you…for all of us. Sigh. Crying and praying might be all that can be done.
    Love you, Aunt Marie

  2. Hugs! Please know that if you ever want to road-trip to see them, we'd be ecstatic to host you on your way across the country! (Or any other reason to get you out here for a visit) 🙂

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